211.013.0772 | 211.013.0773 | 694.777.0870
info@epapadopoulos.com | Χαριλάου Τρικούπη & Ναυαρίνου 17, Αθήνα 10681

Golden Visa in Greece

Golden Visa in Greece

golden visa greece

Dear Sir or Madam,

We would like to inform you about the steps required in order to obtain a residence permit in Greece as an investor. (commonly known as Golden Visa).

In this short article, you ‘ll find attached a short description of the procedure, the required documents, the steps and the fees.

The price required is 250.000 euros. A second purchase to complete this amount could be valid. It would be good for the procedure to relate to real estate, as it is likely that it will be rejected by a civil servant if it is a car or a stock purchase.

It is necessary to know that also other members of the investor’s family may also be included in the application, who will also obtain a residence permit.


The steps to be taken by the prospective investor :

Retainer: 500,00 euros plus VAT 24%

  1. Obtaining a tax identification number 400,00 euros plus VAT 24%
  2. Opening a bank account 300,00 euros plus VAT 24%
  3. Power of attorney to a notary 300,00 euros plus VAT 24%
  4. Contract preparation process
  5. Examination of documents and certificates in cooperation with the notary
  6. Submissions of transfer tax returns to the Tax Office
  7. Representation and signing of a purchase contract
  8. Registration of the contract in the Land Registry and the Cadaster
  9. From step 4 to 8 2.000 euros plus VAT 24%
  10. Submission of application and documents by competent office
    1. Fee for the investor 2.000 euros
    2. Fee for investor’s family members , wife and children (adults over 18 years old) 350,00 euros
    3. Fee for all persons for the card/residence permit 50,00 euros
    4. Private insurance for every person (investor and family members) 150,00 euros for each person (up to 75 years old)
    5. Law firm fee for filing a residence permit, receiving a residence permit 1000,00 euros for each applicant


Meanwhile, we would like to inform you that the process is faster through decentralized offices of Administration outside Athens, such as in the Administration of Chios or Trikala.

Appointments for filing requires documentation in Trikala Decentralized Administration will be available from November 2020. We have found shorter dates in the decentralized Administration od Chios and within two weeks of the contract being ready.

We remain at your disposal and wishing you a great week ahead.


Law Office

Ioannis Papadopoulos & Partners

Navarinou str, 17, Athens, Greece

Email: info@epapadopoulos.com

Tel. 0030 211 0130772, 0030 694 7770870



The necessary justifications to open a bank account of a foreign person as follows: 

  • Passport 
  • Document of the Greek A.F.M. 
  • Residence permission 
  • Document of the foreign A.F.M. (relevant paycheck of the tax office) 
  • Document of the address (as bill of D.E.I. , or telephone) 
  • Document of the telephone number (bill of the mobile or other phone number) 
  • Document of the professional. 
  • If there is any tax liability abroad a Tax Residence Certificate is needed, which can be caught from the competent tax authority of his country. If there is also a tax liability also in Greece, he must also bring the last paycheck. 

All the above documents should be the original or legally validated copies of them from the relevant Greek authorities (for example Greek consulate or embassy) or by a lawyer who is active in Greece. 

According to the settings of the capital controls should be send a capital ‒ incoming transfer from abroad at least of 10.000 euro for the opening of the bank account. 

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